
The healthiest habit you can have for your back is good postural alignment. Why is posture so important, and what does good posture really mean?




Good posture is the optimal alignment of the spine that supports the body against the forces of gravity with the minimal amount of muscle work and stress on the joints and connective tissue. This is where the body has the best balance and control of the center of gravity.

The spine is a stack of bones, and each bone has a positional relationship to the bone above and below it. The neutral zone is where the weight of the body is evenly distributed over the discs and facet joints as well as minimal tension on the connective tissue and muscles to maintain upright posture.


This neutral zone of each bone will look different in each section of the spine because of the curves.


Poor posture over time results in:

-compensation in another parts of the body resulting in stiffness or weakness

- certain muscles working harder than they are supposed to and getting fatigued

-overstretched connective tissue

-increased biomechanical stress which increases degenerative changes



Posture is a habit. Once you achieve the necessary flexibility and strength/ endurance to maintain good alignment, it becomes a habit that is not difficult to keep. Just like bad posture isn’t hard to keep. The only challenge is in changing.



Lasting through long days at work can be painful. Good ergonomic support makes a difference.

Good sleep is restorative. It is essential for healing and regeneration. For some people, it's the most painful part of their lives. Spinal support is key.

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